Kasuki is a powerful Discord bot that provides seamless access to AniList data, AI features, and more. Get instant anime and manga information, notifications, and user stats right in your server!
Kasuki comes packed with features to enhance your Discord anime experience
Access anime, manga, characters, staff, and studio information directly from AniList. Get detailed information and statistics with simple commands.
Get notified when your favorite anime episodes are about to air. Never miss an episode again!
Link your AniList account to Discord and view profiles, compare anime tastes with friends, and show off your anime stats.
Generate custom images showing voice actors alongside characters they've voiced for easy reference.
Generate images, get answers to questions, and access video transcription and translation using advanced AI technology.
Kasuki supports multiple languages for both commands and responses, making it accessible to users worldwide.
Explore Kasuki's wide range of commands
Search for an anime and get detailed information including synopsis, genres, studios, and more.
Search for manga and get detailed information including synopsis, genres, authors, and more.
Search for light novels and get detailed information about them.
Search for anime and manga characters and view their details.
Display information about an AniList user including their anime and manga statistics.
Compare two AniList users and see their anime/manga tastes and compatibility.
Check an AniList user's level based on their activity.
Get a list of all registered anime activities in your server.
See a list of all registered AniList users in your server.
Discover a random anime or manga when you're not sure what to watch or read next.
Get random anime images in various categories like waifu, neko, hug, pat, and more.
Get random NSFW anime images (only works in age-restricted channels).
Connect your AniList account to Discord for easier use of other commands.
One command that lets you search for anime, manga, light novels, characters, studios, staff, or users.
Create an image showing a voice actor (seiyuu) and four characters they've voiced.
Look up information about anime industry staff members.
Get details about animation studios including their works.
A fun command that reveals the "best waifu".
Generate custom images using AI based on your text descriptions.
Ask questions and get AI-generated answers (note: the AI has no conversation context).
Convert audio from videos into text transcripts. Supports videos up to 25MB.
Translate audio content from videos into different languages. Supports videos up to 25MB.
Get detailed information about games on Steam including price, reviews, and requirements.
Get information about visual novels including rating, release date, and description.
Look up information about characters from visual novels.
Get details about companies and producers that create visual novels.
Find information about staff members who work on visual novels.
View information about users from visual novel databases.
Get statistics about the visual novel database API.
Display a user's Discord avatar in full size. View your own or another user's avatar.
Display a user's Discord profile banner in full size.
Show detailed profile information about a Discord user.
View statistics about which commands a user has used and how frequently.
See the credits and acknowledgments for the bot's development.
Get detailed information about the bot, including version, uptime, and statistics.
Check the bot's response time and shard ID for troubleshooting.
View detailed information about your Discord server.
Create a custom image using your server's icon and server members' profile pictures.
Create a custom image using your server's icon and the global profile picture cache.
Take a look at Kasuki's sleek interface and powerful features
Follow these steps to set up your own instance of Kasuki
Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system. These are required to run Kasuki in a containerized environment.
Clone the Kasuki repository from GitHub to your local machine.
Edit the configuration file to set up your Discord bot token and other settings.
Copy the example config file and edit it:
Use Docker Compose to build and start the Kasuki bot.
To ensure you're using the latest version:
Create an invite link for your bot in the Discord Developer Portal and add it to your server.
Your bot should now be running and ready to use!